
Who we are

In this competitive globe of Information technology, Magnic Digital is a leading provider company of Retail Information system and come up with tailor made solution for your unique problems. Our Retail solution simplify decision making and business strategies through one system approach and mind set and we make sure compliance with Industry standards and best practices.

What we do

We provide professional state of art, cloud based solutions and tools for Retail business.


Generate customize report with all Rtail analytics.

System Impact

Harness the power of leading IT industry with the need of any IT system.


Tune all application to meet technical and business requirements.


Cloud based POS system provide data security, mobility and administration system.

Our Customers

We give customers more than they expect to get.


Deliver an attractive and engaging user experience.

  1. Manufacture a WinPOS platform
  2. A Retail Enterprise that explores that how our mobility services help you.
  3. We grasp mature technologies and incline concepts and methodologies to alleviate risks.
  4. A yearly growth of 60% in our workforce and over 50% in total revenue.